Spes nostra

". . . During summer holidays, Henry Adams would insist upon driving his friend Monsignor Sigourney Fay personally to the church every morning, though he would not enter while the monsignor said Mass, and spent time walking on the beach. On one occasion, a feast of the Blessed Virgin, he upbraided the monsignor for casually remarking that he would put off reciting his daily breviary office until they had returned from their afternoon drive. ‘Our Blessed Lady,’ said Adams, ‘will not tolerate that sort of thing. Today is her feast and she wants her office said in time. Please go up to your room and finish it, and then we can take our drive.’ As Father Fay left to fulfill this imperative command, Adams added, in a grave manner: ‘She is my only hope.’"

– John La Farge, S.J., in his autobiography The Manner is Ordinary