Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas
Brad Miner
David Warren
Stephen P. White
David G Bonagura, Jr.
TCT Video
The Papal Posse: The pope in Indonesia, a new rite for the Amazon, and the Synod
Sacred Spaces
Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace (Honolulu, Hawaii)
True Beauty
Gustav Mahler’s ‘Resurrection’ Symphony: conclusion
Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas
Brad Miner
David Warren
Stephen P. White
David G Bonagura, Jr.
An all-too-moveable feast
Charlotte Allen, First Things
Friday, May 11, 2018
It has finally dawned on some people that when you ease up on practices that cement a distinctive Catholic identity, such as celebrating religious feasts on weekdays, people forget that they have any Catholic identity at all. Perhaps the U.S. bishops will realize that Catholics might cope better with the pressures of modern life if their church stood more distinctly and powerfully for something that transcends modern life.