Robert Royal
David Warren
Stephen P. White
Robert Royal
Randall Smith
TCT Video
St. Jerome (whose feast day is today) with Matthew Leonard
Sacred Spaces
The Basilica of Saint-Therese in Lisieux, France
True Beauty
“Ecce Virgo” by the Norbertine canons of St. Michael’s Abbey, Silverado, California
Robert Royal
David Warren
Stephen P. White
Robert Royal
Randall Smith
‘Catholics for Choice’: the ultimate oxymoron
Katherine Bennett, Catholic Herald
Thursday, July 27, 2023
The appeal that Catholics for Choice make to conscience, equality and inclusion is all just an example of the foot stamping that we see around us. Thinking has been replaced by feeling. The idea of conscience has been so perverted as to amount to nothing more than having the right to do whatever we feel like. But this is not what is meant by conscience.