I’m happy to tell you that The Catholic Thing is celebrating its fifth anniversary this month – five years since we started The Catholic Thing with no financial backing to speak of, just a belief that the work needed doing and would find its ways in the world. And it has.
So I’d like to invite all of you – the readers who have made us a success – to a reception and book party.
Wednesday, June 19
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
The Catholic Information Center
1501 K Street NW
Washington DC 20005
If the weather is good, we’ll have the reception on the rooftop space overlooking the city. When you enter at CIC, people will be able to direct you. The event is free, but to help us plan, please register HERE.
We’ll also be celebrating the publication of an anthology of columns drawn from TCT: The Catholic Thing: Five Years of a Singular Website (St. Augustine’s Press). Books will be available on that day, we expect.
Finally, we’re starting a full month of asking for donations for our future work. A significant portion of the support that makes it possible for us to do what we do comes from you, our readers. We’ve been able to survive these years in no small part thanks to your generosity.
year we are frankly challenged to make ends meet. Many non-profit groups are in a similar position owing to the weakness of the economy. But I have to make a special appeal to all of you this year.We need a higher level of giving from readers in 2013 than we have ever had before.
Our writers and editors haven’t had any raises, but we’ve had some reductions in gifts from our larger donors. You know I don’t exaggerate about our needs. So please, be especially generous on this special anniversary. You can make your secure, fully tax-deductible contribution HERE.
And here’s another thought: I will be traveling to the West Coast and several places in the Mid-West to book parties sponsored by friends. Why not organize an event to help bring in support for TCT?
With every good wish,
Robert Royal