Virgin mother

“Virgin mother, daughter of your Son,
Humbler and higher than all other creatures,
Fixed aim and goal of the eternal plan,

“You are the one who lifted human nature
To such nobility that its own Maker
Did not disdain to be made of its making.

“Within your womb was lit once more the flame
Of that love through whose warmth this flower opened
To its full bloom in everlasting peace.

“To us up here you are the torch of noon
Blazing with love, and for the mortals down there
You are the living fountainhead of hope.

“Lady, you are so highly placed and helpful,
Whoever seeks grace and does not call on you
Wants his desires to fly up without wings.

“Your loving heart not only offers aid
To those who ask for it, but oftentimes
Free-handedly anticipates the asking.

“In you is mercy, in you largeheartedness,
In you compassion, and in you is found
Whatever good exists in any creature.”

