Fr. Brian A. Graebe
Michael Pakaluk
Anthony Esolen
Francis X. Maier
Fr. Benedict Kiely
TCT Video
The Papal Posse: The pope in Indonesia, a new rite for the Amazon, and the Synod
Sacred Spaces
Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace (Honolulu, Hawaii)
True Beauty
Gustav Mahler’s ‘Resurrection’ Symphony: conclusion
Fr. Brian A. Graebe
Michael Pakaluk
Anthony Esolen
Francis X. Maier
Fr. Benedict Kiely
Is every family a holy family?
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Friday, January 3, 2020
A person or a family is not automatically “holy” simply because they are unusual. This error is similar to the one so prevalent within Catholicism in which people assume that the poor are holy simply and only because they are poor. Being poor in and of itself does not make a person holy. Being a member of a persecuted group in and of itself does not make a person holy.